Teesmouth Seal Rescue and Coastal Conservation Centre
As inshore marine mammals, seals must share their environment with extraordinary levels of human activities. There are inevitable conflicts and seals are all too often at a disadvantage where these activities are particularly intensive, as within the Tees estuary.
Teesmouth Seal Conservation Trust has been established because of this need to help local seal populations. In particular, the Teesmouth breeding population of Harbour Seals Phoca virtulina, that is still in recovery from historical persecution and the effects of pollution. In recent years, Harbour Seals have been set back by a mouth rot disease that is causing the death of many youngsters. Unsurprisingly, the UK population is in overall decline.
There is of course, great public concern about the distress local seals are facing. The Northeast coastline has one of the highest rates of people reporting seals in trouble anywhere in the British Isles, and yet, there are no local facilities to help with seal care and rehabilitation.
Teesmouth Seal Conservation Trust
Charitable Incorporated Organisation (TSCT-CIO)
for Seals, for Seas, for People
Registered Charity 1200208

It is the Teesmouth Seals Conservation Trust`s priority to establish the Teesmouth Seal Rescue Centre; a state-of-the-art, standalone facility for the medical care and welfare of sick, injured and orphaned seals, leading to their rehabilitation and release back into their natural environment.
Seals are a key indicator species, and it follows that the important seal welfare work of the TSCT must be reinforced by ensuring that the marine environment where they live is healthy. The Trust will therefore engage with researchers and with other stakeholders to ensure that the inshore marine ecosystem, that is home to seals, continues to improve, creating a diverse inshore habitat that is rich in fish and other wildlife.
The Trust will be an important collaborative partner to the international community of workers and scientists concerned with the welfare of seals and the protection of marine habitats. The TSCT will also work to educate and inform the public about the local inshore marine environment, and the wildlife that shares this potentially rich habitat with seals.This will advance the understanding of the threats to this ecosystem and the ways we must work to ensure its future health and sustainability. A team of dedicated, well trained, and managed volunteers will work alongside a small staff workforce.
Registered Charity
With direct help from Teesside Environmental Trust and support from Natural England, British Divers Marine Life Rescue, Seal Rescue Ireland, and the Tees Valley Combined Authority, TSCT has become a registered charity with the Charity Commission. This is an important step in enabling the Trust to better raise funds through grants, sponsorship, crowdfunding, membership, and revenue pledges. It costs between two to three thousand pounds to nurse a seal back to health and ready for release back into the wild. There are good examples of seal rehabilitation centres throughout the UK and Europe that are able to sustain themselves perfectly well even in today`s difficult economic climate. Given the great public interest in the seals of the Tees estuary and local coastline, TSCT is confident that it can grow and achieve and sustain its mission.
TSCT Charitable Objects
For the public benefit, to promote the conservation of seals along the North Yorkshire, Cleveland, Teesmouth and Co. Durham coastlines, in particular but not exclusively by:
a) Rescuing sick or injured seals and providing medical facilities and care with the intention of treatment, rehabilitation and eventual safe release of the seals back into their natural environment;
b) Supporting research into seal diseases and ecology;
c) And advancing the education of the public in seal ecology, inshore ecosystems and any other issues relating to the conservation of seals.
Teesmouth Seal Conservation Trust is greatly encouraged by the warm support it has received and especially to Teesside Environmental Trust for its direct assistance. TSCT is looking forward to working alongside others in true collaboration in order to safeguard the Tees estuary seals and the wider ecology of this very special environment.
David Newell; Chairman, Teesmouth Seal Conservation Trust.